
More than 90% of the world’s orphans live in developing and Third World countries. The number of orphans continues to rise due to abandonment, famine, malnutrition, violence, war, natural disaster, poverty, and disease.

The Sowers Ministry cares for thousands of girls and boys around the world—many of whom are orphans or hopelessly poor. We not only place them in a friendly, loving, and safe environment, but we have incredible staff and caretakers. Our boys and girls are fed, clothed, given medical treatment, given an education, endowed, loved, and prayed for. They know that they have a heavenly Father who loves and watches over them.

We have a special desire to take care of orphan girls and the disabled in China. Our largest orphanages are located across India and Nepal where many children, especially young girls, are sold for child labor or sexual commodities. We help rescue as many as possible, and provide boys and girls with an education and the promise of a better life. Most of our orphans in Myanmar are victims of abandonment or natural disaster.